After installing Oracle VirtualBox I encountered some network issues. On my Laptop from work we have Internet Explorer configured to auto detect the network settings (we use the wpad.dat with FindProxyForURL in it etc.) but suddenly the function stopped working for me and I had to set our proxy manually.
Trying out some stuff, I was finally able to connect normally after deleting the "VirtualBox Host-Only Network" Adapter. Strange, but fine...but thats not the solution, sometimes I want to use VirtualBox with isolated Network, so what now?
I was able to fix the whole situation by changing the metric of the adapters manually, Windows 10 uses automatic metric and this results into my problems.
I changed the metric to this order:
VPN Adapter metric 1
Ehternet LAN Adapter with Dock metric 2
Ehternet LAN Adapter directly on Laptop metric 3
WiFi Adapter metric 4
VirtualBox Host-Only Network Adapter metric 5
you might set it to your desire as needed, just set VirtualBox metric to the least priority (highest metric)
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